Prayer for our Nation

    Precious, Holy Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus. Your Word says, “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Then it says, “If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by My  Father which is in Heaven.” (Matthew 18:18-20) Let us agree together as touching.

    We lift up our President. Your Word in 1 Timothy 2:1-3 says,”I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.” We thank You, Father, that You are in full control. We do thank You for and pray for all men, and for those whom You have allowed to be over us in the land, asking You to lead and direct them in the way that they should go. Thank You for divinely guiding them to make right decisions in this crucial time for our country. Proverbs 16:10 says that “A divine sentence is in the lips of the king; his mouth transgresseth not in judgment.” Proverbs 21:1 says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever He will.” Thank You, Father, for leading him to put the best in place for this country. Open the eyes of his understanding to see truth. Reveal the truths that they need to know for this hour.  

     Your Word says “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear of closets shall be proclaimed upon the house tops.”(Luke 12:2-3). Reveal the whereabouts of those who would be behind terrorist acts anywhere in the world and stop them by whatever means You choose, Father.

    We come to You, Father, in humility and ask for Your mercy and grace to cover us. Father, we repent of our individual sin and the corporate sin of this nation. Forgive us. Wash us clean. Minister Your life and Your love to us and change in us what needs to be changed, so we become that people without spot or wrinkle. Father, if there is any pride or arrogance in us that is not pleasing to You, reveal it to us and help us to walk free. We reject every spirit of pride in our lives and minds now, in Jesus’ name. We choose to humble ourselves under Your mighty hand because You are altogether holy and right, and You promise to lift us up.

     Father, we pray for all men. We repent for our nation and ourselves, for any area where we have not put You first, where we have not honored Your covenant and walked in Your truths. In any area of our lives where we have become desensitized to Your heart and will, forgive us. Forgive us for the spirit of murder that has been upon our land. Forgive us for the millions of babies that have been murdered under the covering of free choice. Forgive us for standing by and not letting our voice be heard, so that some of our freedoms are at risk. Forgive us as a nation, for not worshipping You and putting You first place over this nation.

    Forgive us for desiring our own will above Yours. Forgive us as a nation, in any area where we have forsaken You, the Living God, the fountain of living waters, and turned away from You.

    Father, forgive us for our sin, whatever that sin is. We thank You, that we are not under the law, but we are under grace. Because of Your grace, sin can no longer be our master. We stand against sin in our lives, and say, “no more.” We break the power of the spirit of bondage to sin, and declare it’s power broken in all of our lives in the name of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Father, we choose to put You first place in our lives, to honor You, and to follow Your leading. We appropriate the blood of Jesus over our doorposts. Thank You for the cleansing of the blood of Jesus still flowing today. Thank You for purging our consciences with that precious blood from dead works to serve You, the Living God (Hebrews 9:14). Thank You for the protection of the blood over our homes and nation.

    Father, God, we are a nation at war. We ask that You put Your hand of protection over our troops, the allied forces, and each one who has put themselves in harm’s way to stand against the terrorists of this world and fight for our freedoms. Have them at the right place at the right time to be protected and in Your perfect will. Make a way out for them when there seems to be no way out. Give our troops in the field divine wisdom and knowledge to know the best way to do what they need to do and be kept safe. Loose Your angels in great numbers to surround our troops and all troops in the world who are fighting for right. We are at war against terrorism, but also against the forces of evil that would try to shut out forever the message of the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. Intervene for us with Your mercy, power, and grace. Establish Your truth in this nation as never before. We ask in Your mercy that You would continue to hold up the hedge around our nation and protect out land from our enemies.

    Precious Father, Lord of all Creation, we ask that You minister life to our nation. Pour out Your Spirit upon us so all can see and know Your truth. So move in the midst of this nation, that the eyes that have not seen will see Your power and glory, and know Your holiness and Your love for them.

    Father we seek Your face. We require it as necessity of life. We seek Your presence in our midst. We seek Your plan, Your will, Your purpose in our lives and in our land. You alone are worthy of our praise. You alone can change the hearts of man to bring an end to the destruction so many would like to bring. You alone can deliver us, protect us, provide for our needs, and manifest Yourself in this country so we can see and know Your glory.

    Minister life to our land, healing to our land, and peace to our land. We hold Your Word up to You in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked way; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” Father, please honor our land and heal it. Let us see You move in our midst and lift us up in You. Bring a great revival to our land and bless us.

     We do pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as You have commanded us to do. Father, may they have Your peace and Your protection rest upon them. Open the eyes of their understanding to the things that need to be seen in that land, and every land on the face of the globe. Give divine wisdom. Intervene for them.


    —–Satan, we come against you as blood bought, blood washed children of the Living God, whom we love and serve. We stand against you, Satan, in the name of Jesus, and in His power and authority. In that name above all names, Jesus, we bind you and all your workers of iniquity from us and our land. We bind every spirit of pride and rebellion that would try to come against us. We bind the spirits of murder, suicide, division, perverseness, and divorce from us. We bind every spirit of anti-Christ, doctrines of devils, seducing spirits, and deception from our land. Our eyes will know the truth that shall set us free. Any spirits of darkness working against our lives, health, prosperity, or freedoms, we bind you and call you down in Jesus’ name.

    Satan, 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says that “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”  In the name of Jesus, take every blinder off the eyes of the peoples of this nation and every nation, so all can see truth, now, in Jesus’ name. Any prince or principality of the rulers of darkness over our nation, we call you ineffective in the name of Jesus, unable to stop the move of God in our land. We break the power of every evil work, plan, or assignment against us individually, our homes, our leaders, or our nation. Let them all come down, of no effect to harm us.       Satan, we put you in remembrance of God’s Word in James 4:7 that says we are to submit ourselves to God, resist you, the devil, and that you have to flee from us. We have submitted ourselves to God. We have prayed over ourselves and over our nation. We now resist you in the name of Jesus, and you must flee. You do not have a choice. Loose us and our nation now in Jesus’ name.—––


    Now Father, we ask You to put a spirit of confusion and division into all of Satan’s camp, just like You did over the Egyptians that signified the enemy of Israel in Isaiah 19:14-17. Let nothing be able to be accomplished by Satan and all of his cohorts and workers, whether they try singly or by a concentrated corporate effort to work against us or our nation.

    Minister Your life to us. Cause us to see Your heart, Your will, and Your plan for our lives in this hour. Birth in us, as Your church, Your bride, even a gifting of a spirit of faith to believe You to deliver us, our houses, and our nation, and restore our land.

    We ask for a great revival to hit our land. Father God, let it begin with us. Draw us into Your presence in a greater way than ever before. We are hungry for more of You. We are hungry for Your peace flowing like a river in our lives. We are hungry for a new anointing in our lives, bringing us into the deeper things that You have for us. Father, don’t let us miss anything that You have for us. Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us and refill our hearts to overflowing. Minister to all hurts, and those who feel broken-hearted. Lift each one up above the cares and deceitfulness of this world into Your Kingdom of grace. Grace means that we don’t deserve it, but You have given it to us anyway. We praise You!

    Manifest Yourself to each of us. Show Yourself real. Come and teach us Your ways. We want to live in Your presence, for in Your presence, precious Lord, is the fullness of joy. Establish our hearts to know Your truth. Give us eyes to see in the realm of the Spirit, all the wonders that You have put in place for us. Give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying this day to the church. Help us to understand Your ways, and flow in Your anointing to fulfill all Your heart in this hour. Our spirits are alive to You.

    Help us all to know and fulfill the fullness of Your call that You have placed on each of our lives. Reveal to us what needs to be revealed. Let Your glory change in us what needs to be changed. From glory to glory, the Word says that You are changing us. Father, we open our hearts to allow You to do in us that which is pleasing in Your sight.

    Precious Father, we have submitted ourselves to You, and to Your Word. We have repented and turned from all sin and wickedness in our lives. Hear from Heaven, and heal our land. May we see You move for us in all of Your power, mercy, grace, deliverance, and love. We give You all the praise, in Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.

© Prayerline Ministries, Inc.


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